Sunday, May 31, 2009

Up Date

I have forgotten to tell you guys. But Missy had her kittens! They are so CUTE!!! Okay the sad thing is that she had 7 but right now there are only 4. One was dead when we first found them, one we think got smothered, and the latest one died I think because it wasn't eating, something like that. Anyways they are SO CUTE!!! I know I said that alot but it's true. Okay so I was out petting April today. I was out there for a while.... Anyways I finally got up and started going in. When I got inside the coral area, I hear whine (April's whine) and I turn and she is running full speed after me! Ah it was so cute, it was like she didn't want me to leave! Cute! And okay right after that I went to go pet the kittens. And so I was pretty close to them and they all got up and ran (well kind of ran, because who know they are still pretty young, a couple weeks old) around my feet! Cute! Man I was getting long things right and left this whole week end! haha! Amanda? Ross Park? hehe.... Okay so you all know that Lisa graduated this last Friday. So crazy. I can't believe that she is moving out tomorrow! She is leaving me! Ah man Lisa! Whats wrong with you?! Haha well I'll be at her place like all summer anyways...hehehe we are going to have fun...heheh! Okay I have to go! See ya!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Okay everybody

Okay just so everybody that reads my blog knows. That what you read on here is to be kept here. Somethings on here I really don't care if you share but some are personal. So pretty much what goes on here STAYS here!!!!! Just so everybody knows. :)


I cannot wait for SUMMER!!! And then HIGHSCHOOL!!!! Yeeesssss!!!!!!! finally! Anyways I am really sad that I am leaving like all the friends I remade, like Maria who went to the elementary school as me, we were great friends...or made this year. I am sad to leave, but really excited/nervous for highschool. But it's a comfort that Paul is going to a senior and that no guys can like take advantage of me and everything. As Mark puts it, Paul will beat up all the guys for you (something like that..). But Paul don't beat up ALL the guys, leave a few for me. and don't beat up the guys I like... hehe I love you!

Ross Park!!!!

Well yesterday I got to do a field trip. We did a service project in the morning for like 2 hours, it sucked. We had to pull these plants, the plant's pollen or whatever it was didn't help the heat and thirstiness! While we where pulling these things, I brushed stinging nettle, and then while I was pulling I got some one my hand and everything. It HURT!...Okay it wasn't that bad...hehe just kidding it was! Anyways after we FINALLY got done, we went to Ross Park. They weren't open so we had lunch, and at noon we finally got to go it the park. Man, okay so the night before I finally got a new swimming suit, swimming shorts, ect. Okay, trying to get Dad to go shopping is like pulling teeth. Okay I just had to say that because, lets just say I was lucky to get him out of the house. hehe I love you Dad! Anyways so we get into Ross Park, get our swimming stuff on... Oh man I love swimming! And swimming with your friends just makes it better! Man by the way Amanda you rock! And by the way thanks for being there to talk too! I love you! (Okay there is so much more going on then what I ever put in my blog, just saying) So I had a blast going down the slide and hanging out with my BFFs. I was really kind of sad that I had to leave at 4:15ish to get ready for Lisa's graduation. Well I have to say if I had a pillow during that graduation, I would have fallen asleep! Okay the speeches and everything are nice but really, does it really have to be that long?! Seriously! Okay anyways eventually after the graduation I went to Akayla's house. We watched a movie, Eargon WHICH THEY TOTALLY RUINED!!!!!!! Me, Amanda, and Amy were the commentary during the movie, YELLING OUT THE PARTS THAT THEY RRRRRUUUUUIIINNNNEEEEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! (Plus arguing what was right and wrong... hehe!) Yeah like Kady, Akayla, and Margarita were all telling us to shutup, and that it didn't matter WHICH IT DID!!!! MAN they totally ruined a very good book with that stupid movie! GRRRR!!!! Anyways so I get home and I go into my room. And I bump this mattress and something moves on it! Okay it freaked me out!!!! So like I was thinking, is it Aunt JaHae (my grandma and my Aunt JaHae came down for Lisa's graduation), or what?! So I eventually go over there and feel the person, oh man was I freaked!!! But I find out eventually that is just Natalie. Oh by the way Natalie you were so lucky I figured out it was you because I would have like turned on the light and everything! You are SO lucky! Anyways yeah I am just doing my job of up dating you guys! Love you!