Thursday, April 23, 2009


Okay today at school was SO MUCH FUN!!! Okay even if I wasn't feeling good and the only reason I went was because I din't want to miss what was going on.... ANYWAYS, well in science the 7th graders had a shortege in 2 litter pop bottles. So Mr.Lee had a ton of pop (rootbeer, 7 UP, and Coke, to bad it wasn't Diet Coke....) and said have fun with this and drink it! Do you can just imagin us on a reuglar day with out any sugar (like that ever happens....) and then add caffine and tons of sugar. Literly we were boncing off the walls. Dead serious. And we were painting too, so some people got a little crazy with the paints. -cough- Andrew (he painted his nails and put on those black streaks football players always have on) -cough- Kailyn (painted on a huge, fat arm thing....) -cough- -cough- Talyor! (he went a little crazy with the paint and had streaks of paint ALL over his face, yeah he got in just a LITTLE touble for that....)!!! Yeah and so when we are like high on all of this sugar and caffine, we have dance (PE, we are learning a dance for the spanish program at the end of the year) and yeah just imagin it for a moment. I mean like Kailyn is bad enough with out sugar! Just poking some fun at you Kailyn! :) Anyways well we learned a bunch of new steps in our dance. Plus at the end our teacher, Brittney had a few people learn a lift. Which of coarse we trade partners for this.... Anyways I really wanted to do this and so I was one of the 3 people picked to do. There is Amy-with Andrew and Nessa- with Justin and of coarse me with Nick. Yeah it was really FUN a BLAST! Wow! I won't tell you all that went on but, wow. There were some guys that went after my weight like -cough- CODY! He is my orginal partner.... But so what, I laughed along with everyone else! To tell you the truth I though it was actally really funny.... :) He-He! Well later after we get out of school (by the way our dance class is at the end of the day, like the last half and hour...), Cody tries to get me to tell him my weight, I told I would go and find out (I have the about weight but I think that thing is on crack) but I wouldn't tell him (of coarse!)!! I would get pooked at the rest of the year, not that I really care because really. Yeah so I just had to tell you that stuff. There was a lot more fun going on in the day but I wouldn't go into all of that.... :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bannah Chair Surfing

You can see the cause of Lisa and Desi getting bored... But you haven't seen the worst yet....

Monday, April 13, 2009


This morning sometime Mickey gave birth to a frilly! This morning David said that he saw something white standing next to Mickey. Dad said that he knew exactly what it was! It was a colt! It was dry and was standing and all when we found her. So of courase she was born hours ago! I saw the place where April was born, we knew where because there was blood and everything. ITS A GIRL!!! I was So hoping for girl too! She is SO CUTE!!! She has a blue and a brown eyes, is a paint, and OH MY GOODNESS, I LOVE HER!!!! Mom has the idea of calling her April and I have to say that in the begining I didn't like it but its grown on me! I love her! Here are some pictures! Hope you are so excited as I am!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Okay for the last couple weeks/months I have been trying to get into my account! I could not for the sake of my life remember my password! But finally I got the password reset! Yeah so I am back!

Spring Break!

Spring Break was amazing! I got to go down to Julie and Rob with Lisa! It was a blast! Julie and Rob let us stay up as long as we wanted and really do whatever! It was awesome! Like every night me and Lisa usually stayed up until like 1 or 2am watching movies or whatever. The lastest I stayed up was 6am.Yeah I was having a extened-edition Lord of the Rings marathon with Lisa but she went to bed around 4. It was great! When we were down there we cooked almost every night. Wow the food was amazing! Rob did most of the major cooking, we just did like minor things, but it was still really cool to see him cook. I have got to say that I love diet coke! Julie totally got mad at me down in Lincon because I drinking all of hers! He-He! That was fun! I love that stuff! When I got home, I really just relaxed! It was a pain to go back to school. Over Sping Break Lindsey got baptized by Paul, that was pretty cool. I got to be there to help her out of the water and everything. I have never been able to do that before. Also I got to do a talk on the Holy Ghost. It was a bit scary but I was told I did well on it. Anyways I hope you all have an amazing, rocking the socks off day! Smile BiG! :)