Friday, August 14, 2009
hey guys! so im back! well not back home yet but im back here. anyways i had an awesome trip, but i can tell u it was a bit long. and really sometimes i thought i would go insane. lol well im at my grandparents house right now. kevin's getting married tommorow! wow! time flies! i can't believe it! it feels like natalie got married and how much fun we had there! we were totally having a blast at the reception! omg, soon mark will be getting back. wow, now that would be weriod. im going into highschool? and i start in less than 2 weeks too?! crazy! crazy i was crazy once. they put me in a big padded room... lol sorry inside joke. lol anyways... lisa's in nebraska now. she wasn't planning that in the beginning but she found out brittney and max and everything... well now shes commeted. long story. dads coming down tonight, he should be here soon. well im going. i'll most likely get back, wow when im in highschool? ok sorry im really not sure im over that yet. as u can tell. lol well anyways i say that because i don't usually get on very much. well love u!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
ok right now im at my sister's place in nebraska on a 3 week trip..... can't tell u im so crazy about this trip,but u know i couldn't just abanden my mom on this one... anyways ill be here until like tuesday morning? yeah monday is my birthday did i tell u? yeah going to highschool and everything. really i don't know how i really feel about all of this...hmmm... anyways yeah, to tell u the truth i really want to have a relationship with a guy but, i don't want to burst my parents bubble or mine. and i don't know what i would do if that one guy asked me out.... -sigh- anyways...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
YES! I really got the around the world move with Nick in swing dancing! Yes! Yes! And really the only part we have a hard time with right now is the 3rd swing. I am suppose to go over his shoulder,but we are going to change that most likely... Yeah me and Nick sometimes have a hard time keeping our faces straight while we are dancing sometimes. hehe its great! Oh man poor Amanda and Justin.. They are partners and everything. Well lets just say that they don't always get along. One of the things that they clash on, is that like Justin is not leading, so Amanda's leads, and if you have known her other partners she has had you would understand why she is use to it. And in the past they had a hard time with the move me and Nick just finally got. Well they have gotten so good at it, Amanda has begun to over do the move. And well lets just say that they have NOT been getting along. (also there is alot of other things tied into this that I am not talking about) Well and I have been trying to smooth things, try to help them get along. And well of coarse me and Amanda are super close. We both have gone thru alot of things together, like 7th grade, the same crushes, ect. Anyways and me and Justin have been having this trust thing going and everything. Yeah so its a bit complicated... Hey Andrew's b-day was today, we had fun drawing on the board, telling him happy birthday, or just writing random things. I think I'm driving Mom and Dad crazy... I have been invited to ALOT of parties, end of the year parties, yeah... But I won't be seeing most of these people at all next year...that's my excuse... I have to go, we are watching Bedtime Stories for FHE... See ya...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sunday Madness!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Ticked off in 2 days
Stink I have a piano recital today. Yuck. Can I say that I hate having to do things like this. I mean of coarse things not like the spanish program. Things I actually like to do, I love proforming. But piano drives me insane. Seriously. So we went on a field trip again today. We went up to C.W.Hawk, up to their tower. It was really fun! I went on their swing there. YOu get hooked to this rope thing, and people on the ground pull you up. And when you want to go you let go of this rope. Its sweet! But to tell you the truth it was melow. Because you know I went on a zip line on the cruise, so some things aren't the same anymore. Oh my goodness you should have seen Justin's face when he let go of the rope! It was so funny! It was alarmed, trilled, scared! So funny! Anyways but when I got off the swing, a few minutes later it started to rain really hard and everything. (It started to rain when I was on the swing) So we had to get off everything and go to the gym. It was cold (we had to take turns, shifts taking kids to the gym)and we were the last group to get over to the gym. And I don't hold in heat at all when I get wet and cold. And it didn't help that it TOOK FOREVER! And when we finally get to the gym, everone else is in their groups and everything, already climbing. Man I wouldn't tell you what happened after we got there. Lets just say that me and Kailyn got ticked off. Oh gezz. It was like the 2nd time in 24 hours that I got pissed(ticked off). The 1st time was yesterday when we were dancing and everything. Learning flips, around the world(for ex),ect. Anyways we were talking, and I think I got Andrew (he wasn't in a good mood to begin with) just pissed off. I really don't know exactly what I did. Anyways he comes up to me and shoves me. Like both hands on the shoulder shove, and it was hard. By the way Andrew is the strongest kid in class, he is really good at baseball too. (So if you know me) It snapped me, I was cool before and everything and oh man. I was like wanting to get up in his face and totally take him out. It was really good that Amanda and Maria got in between us, stopping me from beating him up. And I have got to say I was mad at Amanda because she got in betweenn us and everything. Anyways it was a good thing she did. But oh man I was not happy that she did. Really like the whole rest of the day I was still angry about(I was fumming at school after this and after school). But I calmed down eventually. Anyways I have to go to(grr) my piano recital now. And after LISA"S PLACE!!!!! Yeah talk guy talk and everything. I love Lisa! See ya!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Birthday June/Summer!
Happy Birthday June/Summer! Finally you are here, gezz you take forever! Hehehe I am joking!Okay yes I know its the 2nd but better late than never! Also happy birthday Abbey, Julie, Scott, Paul, Dad, ect. Yeah some of these people have already had their birthdays but whatever..hehehe see ya! Also happy birthday Me!!! hehe at the end of July! Yes! 14!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my goodness! I cannot wait for my end of the year party! Okay that may in some way sound a bit dumb...BUT ITS TRUE!!! Okay so on Sunday I was talking to my parents about having guys over to my party. And well the watered down version is that in the end (there was a TON more stuff that happened before this point), they said that I had to invite my whole class. Okay and let me tell you that I was totally like WHAT! (You guys have to remember that I go to a charter(can't spell) school, meaning that we have one class of 8th graders. &also its so called in the rules that we signed, that we have to invite everyone to parties &such. Which now that I think about is bowl crap that it's tin there. -cough- like I read the rules...hehe)school. Anyways I was really like nervous about giving like invitations out and everything. Which actually wasn't all that bad.... (Oh I forgot to tell you that I made a deal with my parents that if I invited my whole class, I could pick the time, have guys over, ect.)Okay there are some (of coarse) people in my class that I wouldn't have invited originally... Okay funny thing, okay there is Cody and Taylor. And well after all of this, they came up to me and asked me if they could bring fireworks, lighters, and knives! Okay alright I admit that I told them that they could bring fireworks as long as they weren't like roman candles (ones that go in the air). Hahaha its definitely going to an interesting party.. heheh... Okay but after some wise advise(about lighters)-cough- Patrick, hehe, I told them that they couldn't. And I told them that if they blew up my house they were in trouble. hehe man it's going to be so much FUN!!!! I hope everyone comes! Can't wait til summer! We took some finals today, English/shurley (thats what they call it at my school) and history,... I think I might have done pretty good.... But you know me, I usually stink at tests...hehe.. Anyways.. Oh you know that Lisa moved out and everything, well of coarse I got her bathroom.. YES!!! YEAH!! No more guys sharing with guys. Okay Paul is not that bad, but really I am a girl, and I need my space/ cleanliness. Anyways I am SO excited! Anyways I have to go and practice the piano... see ya... -snort- piano...grr...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Up Date
I have forgotten to tell you guys. But Missy had her kittens! They are so CUTE!!! Okay the sad thing is that she had 7 but right now there are only 4. One was dead when we first found them, one we think got smothered, and the latest one died I think because it wasn't eating, something like that. Anyways they are SO CUTE!!! I know I said that alot but it's true. Okay so I was out petting April today. I was out there for a while.... Anyways I finally got up and started going in. When I got inside the coral area, I hear whine (April's whine) and I turn and she is running full speed after me! Ah it was so cute, it was like she didn't want me to leave! Cute! And okay right after that I went to go pet the kittens. And so I was pretty close to them and they all got up and ran (well kind of ran, because who know they are still pretty young, a couple weeks old) around my feet! Cute! Man I was getting long things right and left this whole week end! haha! Amanda? Ross Park? hehe.... Okay so you all know that Lisa graduated this last Friday. So crazy. I can't believe that she is moving out tomorrow! She is leaving me! Ah man Lisa! Whats wrong with you?! Haha well I'll be at her place like all summer anyways...hehehe we are going to have fun...heheh! Okay I have to go! See ya!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Okay everybody
Okay just so everybody that reads my blog knows. That what you read on here is to be kept here. Somethings on here I really don't care if you share but some are personal. So pretty much what goes on here STAYS here!!!!! Just so everybody knows. :)
I cannot wait for SUMMER!!! And then HIGHSCHOOL!!!! Yeeesssss!!!!!!! finally! Anyways I am really sad that I am leaving like all the friends I remade, like Maria who went to the elementary school as me, we were great friends...or made this year. I am sad to leave, but really excited/nervous for highschool. But it's a comfort that Paul is going to a senior and that no guys can like take advantage of me and everything. As Mark puts it, Paul will beat up all the guys for you (something like that..). But Paul don't beat up ALL the guys, leave a few for me. and don't beat up the guys I like... hehe I love you!
Ross Park!!!!
Well yesterday I got to do a field trip. We did a service project in the morning for like 2 hours, it sucked. We had to pull these plants, the plant's pollen or whatever it was didn't help the heat and thirstiness! While we where pulling these things, I brushed stinging nettle, and then while I was pulling I got some one my hand and everything. It HURT!...Okay it wasn't that bad...hehe just kidding it was! Anyways after we FINALLY got done, we went to Ross Park. They weren't open so we had lunch, and at noon we finally got to go it the park. Man, okay so the night before I finally got a new swimming suit, swimming shorts, ect. Okay, trying to get Dad to go shopping is like pulling teeth. Okay I just had to say that because, lets just say I was lucky to get him out of the house. hehe I love you Dad! Anyways so we get into Ross Park, get our swimming stuff on... Oh man I love swimming! And swimming with your friends just makes it better! Man by the way Amanda you rock! And by the way thanks for being there to talk too! I love you! (Okay there is so much more going on then what I ever put in my blog, just saying) So I had a blast going down the slide and hanging out with my BFFs. I was really kind of sad that I had to leave at 4:15ish to get ready for Lisa's graduation. Well I have to say if I had a pillow during that graduation, I would have fallen asleep! Okay the speeches and everything are nice but really, does it really have to be that long?! Seriously! Okay anyways eventually after the graduation I went to Akayla's house. We watched a movie, Eargon WHICH THEY TOTALLY RUINED!!!!!!! Me, Amanda, and Amy were the commentary during the movie, YELLING OUT THE PARTS THAT THEY RRRRRUUUUUIIINNNNEEEEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! (Plus arguing what was right and wrong... hehe!) Yeah like Kady, Akayla, and Margarita were all telling us to shutup, and that it didn't matter WHICH IT DID!!!! MAN they totally ruined a very good book with that stupid movie! GRRRR!!!! Anyways so I get home and I go into my room. And I bump this mattress and something moves on it! Okay it freaked me out!!!! So like I was thinking, is it Aunt JaHae (my grandma and my Aunt JaHae came down for Lisa's graduation), or what?! So I eventually go over there and feel the person, oh man was I freaked!!! But I find out eventually that is just Natalie. Oh by the way Natalie you were so lucky I figured out it was you because I would have like turned on the light and everything! You are SO lucky! Anyways yeah I am just doing my job of up dating you guys! Love you!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Okay today at school was SO MUCH FUN!!! Okay even if I wasn't feeling good and the only reason I went was because I din't want to miss what was going on.... ANYWAYS, well in science the 7th graders had a shortege in 2 litter pop bottles. So Mr.Lee had a ton of pop (rootbeer, 7 UP, and Coke, to bad it wasn't Diet Coke....) and said have fun with this and drink it! Do you can just imagin us on a reuglar day with out any sugar (like that ever happens....) and then add caffine and tons of sugar. Literly we were boncing off the walls. Dead serious. And we were painting too, so some people got a little crazy with the paints. -cough- Andrew (he painted his nails and put on those black streaks football players always have on) -cough- Kailyn (painted on a huge, fat arm thing....) -cough- -cough- Talyor! (he went a little crazy with the paint and had streaks of paint ALL over his face, yeah he got in just a LITTLE touble for that....)!!! Yeah and so when we are like high on all of this sugar and caffine, we have dance (PE, we are learning a dance for the spanish program at the end of the year) and yeah just imagin it for a moment. I mean like Kailyn is bad enough with out sugar! Just poking some fun at you Kailyn! :) Anyways well we learned a bunch of new steps in our dance. Plus at the end our teacher, Brittney had a few people learn a lift. Which of coarse we trade partners for this.... Anyways I really wanted to do this and so I was one of the 3 people picked to do. There is Amy-with Andrew and Nessa- with Justin and of coarse me with Nick. Yeah it was really FUN a BLAST! Wow! I won't tell you all that went on but, wow. There were some guys that went after my weight like -cough- CODY! He is my orginal partner.... But so what, I laughed along with everyone else! To tell you the truth I though it was actally really funny.... :) He-He! Well later after we get out of school (by the way our dance class is at the end of the day, like the last half and hour...), Cody tries to get me to tell him my weight, I told I would go and find out (I have the about weight but I think that thing is on crack) but I wouldn't tell him (of coarse!)!! I would get pooked at the rest of the year, not that I really care because really. Yeah so I just had to tell you that stuff. There was a lot more fun going on in the day but I wouldn't go into all of that.... :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bannah Chair Surfing
You can see the cause of Lisa and Desi getting bored... But you haven't seen the worst yet....
Monday, April 13, 2009

This morning sometime Mickey gave birth to a frilly! This morning David said that he saw something white standing next to Mickey. Dad said that he knew exactly what it was! It was a colt! It was dry and was standing and all when we found her. So of courase she was born hours ago! I saw the place where April was born, we knew where because there was blood and everything. ITS A GIRL!!! I was So hoping for girl too! She is SO CUTE!!! She has a blue and a brown eyes, is a paint, and OH MY GOODNESS, I LOVE HER!!!! Mom has the idea of calling her April and I have to say that in the begining I didn't like it but its grown on me! I love her! Here are some pictures! Hope you are so excited as I am!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Okay for the last couple weeks/months I have been trying to get into my account! I could not for the sake of my life remember my password! But finally I got the password reset! Yeah so I am back!
Spring Break!
Spring Break was amazing! I got to go down to Julie and Rob with Lisa! It was a blast! Julie and Rob let us stay up as long as we wanted and really do whatever! It was awesome! Like every night me and Lisa usually stayed up until like 1 or 2am watching movies or whatever. The lastest I stayed up was 6am.Yeah I was having a extened-edition Lord of the Rings marathon with Lisa but she went to bed around 4. It was great! When we were down there we cooked almost every night. Wow the food was amazing! Rob did most of the major cooking, we just did like minor things, but it was still really cool to see him cook. I have got to say that I love diet coke! Julie totally got mad at me down in Lincon because I drinking all of hers! He-He! That was fun! I love that stuff! When I got home, I really just relaxed! It was a pain to go back to school. Over Sping Break Lindsey got baptized by Paul, that was pretty cool. I got to be there to help her out of the water and everything. I have never been able to do that before. Also I got to do a talk on the Holy Ghost. It was a bit scary but I was told I did well on it. Anyways I hope you all have an amazing, rocking the socks off day! Smile BiG! :)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Perfect skiing!
Yesterday I went skiing with my school (just the 7th and 8th grades)! It was really awesome day, the snow was perfect and the weather was just right too! In the morning (of coarse) we had to take lessons. It reminded me how much I dislike them..... We mostly worked on mobals (I know I didn't sp that right) and by the way I am pretty bad at those. Well , I can do them but I could NOT do during lessons. But luckly I wasn't the only one that couldn't, me and this other girl were the slow pocks of the group and the last people (usally) to get down the runs. Remember I said usually, some runs I could actally do, I cursied thourgh! Thankfully we ended lessons at lunchtime. The rest of the time we got to have free time, and most of that time I was skiing alone. At one time I was on the lift (going up to the top) and this guy was totally hitting on me. I didn't really start to notice until like half way to the top. I was really sacred that he or this other group of guys might follow me. Anyways, it was an awesome day. What was funny is that I went on most of the runs I did with my class. And I did them SO much better, funny when that happens......
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